
Ompoc, Harlyn Mae S. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Recreational Participation In Relation To Stress Management Among Employees of MSU-Marawi City
Authors Harlyn Mae Ompoc
Publication date 2019
Journal Asian Journal of Physical Education and Computer Science
Volume 20
Issue 1
Pages 75-80
Publisher Indian Federation of Computer Science ins Sports
Abstract The purpose of this study is to identify the significant relationship between recreational participation and stress managementas well as the intervention of the identified moderating variables such as: age, ethnicity, civil status, tenure of work, gender and net monthly income. This study employed the descriptive-correlational type of research in determining the relationships between and among variables. Recreational participation is measured in terms of frequency and duration using recreational participation questionnaire developed and pilot tested by Henry C. Daut; stress management on the other hand is measured through the standard questionnaire developed by Delia Franklin. The respondents were the 245 male and female faculty members of Mindanao State University Marawi City. Product Moment Correlation of Coefficient or Pearson r was used in analyzing the data through the Statistical Package for Social Science v.16. Results show that there is a significant relationship established between the duration of participation in recreational activities and stress management with p-value = 0.041; and between the duration of recreational activities and net monthly income with p-value = 0.018. Also, a strong relationship is observed between ethnicity and stress management with p-value = 0.011. Results imply that taking advantage of recreational activities can be a great source in managing stress. Hence, this study recommended that the faculty members should have adequate recreational activity participation to better manage the stressful environment; thereby become more effective and efficient and improves quality of work. Keywords: recreation, stress management, participation, employees
Index terms / Keywords Recreation, Stress Management, Employees
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