
MSU-IIT and MSU-GenSan partner in collaborative workshop to advance SDGs

Jul 28 2024

The We Care Office of MSU-IIT, in collaboration with MSU-General Santos Campus, conducted a significant planning workshop entitled "SDGs Accord: From Goals to Action Towards a Resilient Future" at the MSU-GenSan Tambler Campus on July 17-18, 2024. This workshop aimed to foster collaboration and innovation in addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through practical strategies and community engagement.

The two-day activity began with a series of interactive workshops led by MSU-IIT’s College Extension Coordinators (CECs). The workshop commenced with Assoc. Prof. Sittie Noffaisah B. Pasandalan from the College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS), who facilitated discussions focused on identifying innovative programs aligned with six prioritized SDGs: SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), SDG 13 (Climate Action), and SDG 14 (Life Below Water). Participants engaged in brainstorming sessions to develop actionable initiatives that could be implemented within their respective institutions.

Following this, Assoc. Prof. Angeline P. Dinoro from the College of Education (CED) and Assoc. Prof. Jiddo Andrei G. Maranda from the College of Health Sciences (CHS) led a workshop that explored the challenges and opportunities of embedding SDGs into university practices. This session encouraged critical thinking about integration strategies and highlighted the importance of institutional commitment to sustainability.

The third workshop was facilitated by Prof. Ruth P. Serquiña, former CEC from the College of Science and Mathematics (CSM), and Assoc. Prof. Charlyn M. Capulong from the College of Economics, Business and Accountancy (CEBA). They focused on strategies for engaging and upskilling students for community involvement, emphasizing the vital role of student participation in achieving the SDGs.

The final workshop on the first day, led by Engr. Karl C. Ondoy and Engr. Melito S. Oculares from the College of Engineering (COE), navigated potential partnerships and the challenges associated with various SDGs. This session fostered collaboration among participants and highlighted the importance of building networks to enhance sustainability efforts.

On the second day, Ms. Naira S. Dipatuan shared insights into the MSU-IIT Administrative Processes regarding Extension Programs, Activities and Projects (PAPs). Following this, Dr. Keno Jay M. Balogbog, MSU-GenSan Extension Director, presented the best practices of MSU-GenSan in community engagement, showcasing successful initiatives and valuable lessons learned. Dr. Rosario L. Reserva, We Care Director, emphasized the significance of building a culture of excellence and community engagement as essential components for achieving the UN SDGs. Her insights inspired participants to consider how they could further enhance their own community engagement efforts.

Additionally, Assoc. Prof. Pasandalan provided valuable guidance on the application process for Times Higher Education (THE) rankings, helping participants understand how to enhance their institution's visibility and impact in the global academic landscape. This session was particularly beneficial for those looking to improve their university's standing and contribute to its mission of sustainability.

Participants from MSU-GenSan also had the opportunity to draft and submit an abstract for ICUNSSI 2024, demonstrating their commitment to research and innovation in the field of sustainability.

The collaborative workshop was a resounding success, fostering a spirit of cooperation and shared purpose among participants. These collaborations are significant steps toward a sustainable and resilient future, committed to making a positive impact on communities and the environment. 


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